Articles by
Andy Paterson-Jones
“Best of breed” advice

“Best of breed” advice

Mark Gledhill - Oportfolio advice client since 2008 Mark and his wife came to Oportfolio for advice in 2008 as first time buyers with a new baby and in need of some expert help and guidance. With Oportfolio’s advice and knowledge around the homebuying process, Mark...

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Property prices up 2.1% month-on-month.

Property prices up 2.1% month-on-month.

A new report from Nationwide has confirmed everything Oportfolio have been seeing anecdotally in the last few weeks- namely, that the demand for property is far outweighing current supply. This is making for a highly competitive market, especially in the City of London and the surrounding areas.

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Moving back home to Putney

Moving back home to Putney

After spending the past few years north of the river, we have recently moved to bespoke new offices in Putney. Since 2009, Oportfolio have serviced clients in the local area and further afield but Putney has always played a key role in our story because it was where...

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