Mansfield Building Society joins Primis network

by | Wednesday 19th Jan 2022 | Mortgage News

The Nottinghamshire based Mansfield Building Society, which has been managing its customers finances and lending money in the UK since 1869, has joined the lender panel of Primis meaning that Primis advisors and brokerages will now have access to The Mansfield’s range of residential and buy-to-let mortgage products. With only five locations in and around the Nottinghamshire area, the Mansfield building society is a relatively small player in the mortgage game however, what it may lack in stature, it more than makes up for in its criteria, products and USPs.

As well as offering standard residential and buy to let mortgages, the building society is known for offering more bespoke and unique solutions to customers who have struggled with other lenders. For example, they offer joint borrower sole proprietor mortgages, retirement interest only mortgages for later life lending, ex-pat buy to let mortgages and they were among the first lenders to support the first home scheme.

What do Mansfield offer?

Currently the Mansfield offers mortgage up to 95% LTV which is a lot more than many lenders at the moment and their rates, although not the lowest on the market, are consistent and attractive especially if you are using one of their specialist mortgage schemes listed above.

Intermediary sales manager at The Mansfield, Tom Molloy, has said: “Primis is a network that values performance, integrity and expertise, so we’re absolutely delighted to make our expansive mortgage range and flexible approach available to support Primis’ team of expert mortgage brokers and their valued clients. It’s exciting to be working with an award-winning network like Primis, and our continued expansion in this area shows how committed The Mansfield is to ensure that we continue to help brokers meet their client’s real-life needs, particularly those where a pragmatic, common sense approach is required.”

What do the Primis brokerages say?

Content manager at Primis brokerage Oportfolio, Louis Mason, says: “We are so excited by the news that Mansfield Building Society have now joined the Primis Network panel. We at Oportfolio pride ourselves on being know for going above and beyond to help our clients achieve their mortgage goals and now that we have access to a great lender like The Mansfield, we can open up so many more doors and options for our clients.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with getting a mortgage, then please give us a call on 02088771169 to see how our expert advisors can help you.

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