Articles by
Louis Mason
New Barclays Mortgage At 3.71% Announced

New Barclays Mortgage At 3.71% Announced

A new Barclays mortgage product at 3.71% has been announced this week, becoming the latest in quite a few recent announcements from big UK mortgage lenders who are all dropping their rates below 4%. In recent weeks there has been a mortgage 'rate war' or sorts which...

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London Rent is On the Rise

London Rent is On the Rise

We all know that rent in London can cost you a small (or large) fortune depending on the area you live in, and Southerners in general are relentlessly berated by anyone north of Luton for the laughable cost of living they put up with. And it seems that Londoners...

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The Best Place to Buy in London

The Best Place to Buy in London

The country’s capital has always been a desired place to live. With limitless career potential, unbeatable leisure activities, and unique experiences like no where else, London is the place to be. But living in such a desirable places often comes at a cost and...

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How much does it cost to live NEAR London?

How much does it cost to live NEAR London?

The office on national statistics (ONS) have recently released a report that claims that a town’s proximity to London is one of the top 3 factors that affect a property’s value. The data presented by the ONS and recorded in 2019 found that towns within 200km of London...

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Natwest Announce a 40 Year Mortgage Term

Natwest Announce a 40 Year Mortgage Term

Fantastic news coming out of NatWest Intermediary Solutions as they announce a significant improvement to their mortgage lending criteria – an increase to both the maximum term allowed and age allowed. What's new? Effective immediately, mortgages submitted via an...

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