Articles by
Louis Mason
New Barclays Mortgage At 3.71% Announced

New Barclays Mortgage At 3.71% Announced

A new Barclays mortgage product at 3.71% has been announced this week, becoming the latest in quite a few recent announcements from big UK mortgage lenders who are all dropping their rates below 4%. In recent weeks there has been a mortgage 'rate war' or sorts which...

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Clients with credit issues are rejected by their bank

Clients with credit issues are rejected by their bank

Our clients were looking to buy a property together and had put in an offer which had been accepted. Thinking it would probably be the easiest option, they went direct to their own bank to seek a new mortgage however our clients had some financial difficulty in the past and as a result they had defaults and missed payments on their credit files. When their bank ran a credit check on the clients it failed due to the adverse credit in the background and their bank was unable to offer them a mortgage.

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Shared Ownership Misinformation Case Study

Shared Ownership Misinformation Case Study

Our client and her partner found an ideal property through a large house builder on a shared ownership basis and was looking forward to the prospect of owning her first real home. However, despite the excitement they both felt, they were also extremely nervous as she had been told plenty of conflicting information about the best way of getting a mortgage by the builder, her friends, and her own internet research.

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Deposit – What will I need?

Deposit – What will I need?

Deposit. Probably the most common word you hear during the house buying process and, perhaps the one that makes people the most apprehensive. With any property purchase, unless you are lucky enough to buy in cash, you will need some form of property finance loan such as a mortgage. And, with any kind of mortgage, you will normally need to contribute some of your own funds towards the purchase.

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Credit score – Does it really make a difference?

Credit score – Does it really make a difference?

Perhaps the oldest question in the book of mortgages, do I need a good credit score to get one? For years people have avoided getting a mortgage because of their ‘less than perfect’ credit score and hundreds of thousands of people have missed out on some perfect properties due to black and white mortgage lenders and inexperienced advisors.

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Mansfield Building Society joins Primis network

Mansfield Building Society joins Primis network

The Nottinghamshire based building society, which has been managing its customers finances and lending money in the UK since 1869, has joined the lender panel of Primis meaning that Primis advisors and brokerages will now have access to The Mansfield’s range of residential and buy-to-let mortgage products.

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How generous are you parents?

How generous are you parents?

With rent at an all-time high and independence being at the forefront of every young person’s mind, buying your first home can really make you feel like you have taken a huge leap in life and achieved something. But unfortunately, it’s not always as straight forward as saving a deposit and getting a mortgage.

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