Mortgage Insights

Tips, insights, suggestions, and recommendations written by mortgage and protection experts to help you.

How Age Impacts Mortgages

How Age Impacts Mortgages

  When it comes to getting a mortgage, there are a few rules and regulations that you need to follow and different lenders have different criteria. Each lender's criteria helps safe guard themselves from potential risks when lending money and also safe guards...

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What Is Mortgage Porting?

What Is Mortgage Porting?

  Looking to move home and in need of a mortgage? Already happy with your mortgage lender and deal and don’t want to go through the hassle of applying for a completely new mortgage? Ever heard of mortgage porting? Porting your mortgage is a good borrowing...

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What Is A Mortgage Lender?

What Is A Mortgage Lender?

If you buy a property anywhere in the world, unless you are extremely fortunate, you will most likely need to use some form of home loan from a mortgage lender. It may seem self-explanatory to some people but what is a mortgage lender really? And what does it mean to...

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Oportfolio’s Take Care Campaign

Oportfolio’s Take Care Campaign

In 2020, the entire world was caught completely off guard by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The unprecedented nature of the pandemic left millions of people scared for their health, worried about the impact of the pandemic on their income, apprehensive about engaging with others, and most of all in the dark about what was going to happen next.

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